What are currently projects of CADDP doing right now?
(I). Improvement Life Skills and Education for Children with disabilities in rural areas in Cambodia (ILSEC):
1.1. Short brief of the project:
This project named “Improvement Life Skills and Education for Children with disabilities in rural areas in Cambodia (ILSEC) has been funded by the Empowerment for All, Japan (EfA Japan); which started from September 2021 and ended at February 2022 as pilot project for operation with three Child Study Clubs; which based in three primary schools of Dang Tong district Kampot province, in order to improve their education and living condition and encouraging the participation of children with disabilities to contribute their education, health and sustainable development in their community.
After the internal evaluation of the project named “Improvement Life Skills and Education for Children with disabilities in rural areas in Cambodia / ILSEC that conducted by CADDP with supported from the Board of Directors of CADDP and key stakeholders. At the end of the internal evaluation, it showed that this project implementation is good result. For the year 2022, there is a lucky planet that Asia Community Trust (ACT) Japan has approved this project for three years (2022 to 2025) in order to implement at Trapiang Bey and Hun Sen Angk Labouek primary schools.
1.2. Classes at Child Study Clubs:
For each Child Study Club has one Community Volunteer Teacher for managing and teaching in Khmer language, mathematic and life skills (free drawing and sing a song) as children need. Now CADDP is working with five Child Study Clubs (CSCs) such as Damnak Ampil Child Study Club (CSC), Trapiang Tameas CSC, Angmakpriang CSC, Hun Sen Angk Laboeuk CSC and Trapiang Bey CSC. Each CSC has text books in Khmer, Mathematics, science which from grade 1 to grade 8 and story books, tablets, tables, chairs and learning materials.
1.3. Autism small center:
This project building was funded by UNWG, Austria. This autism has been being done at Damnak Ampil primary school that located in Damnak Ampil village La Ang commune Dang Tong district of Kampot province.
1.4. Child Rights Training:
Each CSC always has conducted the training for days per CSC at every year that focus on the foundation of Child Rights consists of 4 basic principles such as the following:
- Rights to Survival
- Rigths to Development
- Rights to Protection and
- Rights to Participation
The training was just mainstreamed the basic concepts of child rights to the children in order to understand their rights, roles and responsibilities regarding their rights. Although they did not fully aware and understood their rights and obligations, they may share what they learned with their peers, parents and others. One significant remark is that they never learned child right Rights before in the public schools.
1.5. Train Child Study Clubs` members on how perform their basic hygiene/sanitation, including children health care issues and Covid-19 for children and Policy of Education for Children with Disabilities:
Each CSC always conducted 2-day training for Child Study Clubs` members on how perform their basic hygiene/sanitation, towards the children health care issues and Covid-19 for children for each Child Study Club for every year. The training was focused on the basic hygiene/sanitation towards children health care issues which are crucial factor for health care of children with disabilities and
keeping body strong came up with hand-washing with soap, alcohol and gels carefully before every meal and after coming from toilet. The training was include personal hygiene to keep body clean through taking bath often at least two times per day including clothes washing, and clean room and bed regularly to prevent the diseases that could cause infection to children. We introduced and showed the children by writing the topic of the hygiene/sanitation on the white board and read for them two or three times and
explain the sentences of hygiene/sanitation means “Hygiene leads to good health, strong body and avoid other diseases. If we lack of hygiene/sanitation and the living space is not clean, it will inevitably lead to health problems, lost of money to pay for medicines to treat you and waste of time to school” and then they write by themselves. Some children are difficult to write, at that movement, but their mothers can help them to write it correctly. For example, Ms. YORN Lina, 45-year-old, grandmother of SUN Tula, 7-year-old, grade 2 who is weak in hand and feet are soft and Intellectual disabilities, difficult to write, his grandmother always supports him to write the letters, then he gradually become better than before. After reading the sentences of hygiene/sanitation on the white board then the facilitator demonstrates how to use hand-washing for them and then let them to put into the real practices one by one on how to use it in correctly manner. The figure from the UNICEF Cambodia said that up to 2,000 children die every year in Cambodia are result of diarrhea infection caused by poor hygiene/sanitation unsafe drinking water and lack of basic hygiene/practices, we have to “Combat the Hand-Washing Campaign Battles Child Mortality”
1.6. Set up small library at CADDP`s office and other five corner library at each CSC:
Now CADDP has one Librarian for Special Education to work in library and corner library by each CSC. CADDP had equipped the materials for library such as the mobile vowels & consonants and posters of basic Khmer alphabets, number from 1-100, kinds of vegetables and fruits and rule of Khmer and traditional salutation to someone, learn to write the independent vowels, policy on education for children with disabilities and law on rights of protection the child/adult with disabilities and some new books too.
1.7. CADDP Set up Information Technology at each CSCs and CADDP`s office for those Child Study Clubs Learning directly with Tablets one 15 minutes per child per day and online learning by CADDP`s two times per month: CADDP provided around fives Tablets for each Child Study Clubs. The children with disabilities on how connect internet and on how to use to search on the subject that they need.
1.8. Private Extra class fee / Sponsorship:
CADDP has been provided the children with disabilities who passed from primary school to secondary lower school for three subjects as they want for every month. This picture for three children with disabilities who have passed from Angmakpriang primary school to secondary lower school of Trapiang Tranh one child and another two go to study at Dang Tong High School.
1.9. Life Skills / Safe Vegetables:
In each CSC, CADDP always select for three for parents of children with disabilities per CSC for every year in order to train them on how to plants safe vegetables without using chemistry and / or train them on how to raise animal as they want. Especially all children with disabilities can drawing in free photos as they want.
(II). Environment education and biodiversity prevention:
This project is the polit project because we have no fix fund from other donors yet. We always received money through their donation only. Especially CADDP has cooperated with CRC-Cambodia and environment office of Chhouk district Kampot province.
(III). Democracy and Peace:
This project is the polit project that we have small fund from our generous in Cambodia and outside Cambodia through their donation only.
Who are CADDP`s beneficiaries?
- Children with disabilities and children with vulnerable.
- Youth with disabilities and youth with vulnerable.
- People with disabilities and poor with vulnerable.
- People who loving the same.